So this has absolutely nothing to do with Father's Day, but I did say I would blog about my yoga adventure. On some fateful day in May,
Groupon offered 5 sessions of Bikram (pronounced "beek-ram") for $20. Since yoga can get pricey and summer was coming up, I was quite interested.
Bikram yoga is also known as "hot yoga," and I don't really know the technical differences except that it's yoga in a 105 degree heated room. Supposedly all the sweating detoxifies your body.
Since I'm obviously intrigued by new experiences, I was pretty excited to buy my yoga mat and get started. I even made a bag to carry my yoga mat in! I rolled over to
Cockeysville (which, to be fair, is a far roll) and tried not to look too ignorant about what I was doing. I stuck my stuff in a locker, grabbed my water, towel, and mat, and headed into The Room.
The first thing, in my opinion, that you notice about The Room is the smell. There's no way of sugar-coating the fact that it's pretty bad. I can't explain it. I don't think it's like that everywhere, though. Maybe just that location. Anyway the obvious second thing, or maybe you realize it simultaneously, is the heat. No brainer, right? But it's also humid, and since there are no windows, it feels stuffy too; the air has nowhere to go. So I thought I'd be all cool like the other folks and lie on my mat and wait for 15 minutes until class started but there was no way. I set my towel down and went back to the bathroom and pretending to look for something in my locker until the last possible second.
Once class started, the instructor informed us that we'd probably start to feel sick and lightheaded, like we were going to pass out, but we wouldn't. I nodded and thought, Do you know where I lived for a year? I can handle anything.
And about 30 minutes later, I reversed my position on that. I was pretty sure that she was wrong; I was going to pass out. Or die. The yoga itself isn't the problem; it's the heat and humidity that gets to you. Also the sweat that runs into your eyes burns. But dang it I was going to stick it out, and I did. And if sweating detoxifies you, then I'm pretty sure I got a lot of toxins out.
After class was over and I staggered, blurry-eyed into the hallway and the bathroom to retrieve my things, I could only assume that this is how one feels when they've smoked some bad weed. As I left I checked with the instructor just to confirm that the sweating is good for you...I wanted to really make sure that there was some benefit to this situation.
I won't lie; I wasn't really sure I should drive home, but there were things to get done so I sailed off trying to refocus my brain. Let me tell you, that's one of the best showers I've ever had.
So. The conclusion. The next day I noticed I didn't feel as hungry as usual, and that kind of continued for the next few weeks, which cause me to lose weight since I wasn't consuming many calories. Now that could be due to a ton of things: stress, the ludicrous amount of vitamins I'm taking, whatever it is that is currently effecting my joints, but I like to think it was the yoga. So was it hot and miserable? Yes. Did I see benefits? I think so. Will I go back? Definitely. I payed money for those classes and I fully intend to use it up. And if it alter my appetite, all the better. Would I pay $17/class (the normal price)? Not unless it radically alters my health.
I'm also wondering if I should just get a yoga video and set it up outside on my deck on a hot, humid July day to get the same effect...