Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I'm a jei jei...

Ok, not to sound like a broken record but....I'm sorry I'm terrible at posting. To be fair; the past month has been a terrible mash of unstructured snow days and stress about the upcoming school trip to Costa Rica. Also the event which I'm about to reflect on.

About four weeks ago, my parents and J left on a jet plane (reference to the song; I don't actually know what they flew on) to head to China. Two weeks later, they came home with my newest sibling, Zhi Sai, 13 years old.

So here we are, 6 Tiers. My parents have two adult children and two teenagers. (Good luck!) And we all. live. together. (I smell a reality show...) But back to the newly built family. Especially since my blog is half food half new things. I have a new sister! Is there anything bigger in life than that? I mean besides getting married or having my own child?

It's weird, no lie. And it's hard. But I keep trying to remind everyone that we knew it'd be like this. We knew she wouldn't speak English. We knew there are attachment issues with older adopted children. It's easy for me to despair and assume we'll never be able to talk to her...but I remind myself that it's only been 2 weeks. Things will change.

For now, keep praying. That she would learn English quickly. That she would connect with Mom. That she would learn discipline.

Thanks everyone!

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