Words cannot express how cold it is. It's interesting; in the back of my head this past year I knew in theory it was cold up here, but I'm not sure my skin registered it. And now, it's a rude awakening. One which is only going to get worse, seeing as it's only November.
There are two silver linings to the weather getting colder and days getting shorter. One is pumpkin, which I could discuss ad nauseam, but I won't.

The other is one of my favorite fruits:
pomegranates! I wish these things were available year round, but alas, only in the fall. They're super tasty and super healthy. One of the girls at my old job thought they looked gross on the inside, but she was kind of a bitter negative person anyway. And had clearly never eaten a pomegranate.
Granted, they take a looong time to peel and whatnot, but the reward is big. They have a huge amount of antioxidants, as well as potassium, and vitamins B and C. It's also low in calories and sugar.
If you haven't tasted one, give it a shot! If you have, let this post remind you of the pom wonders and inspire you to pick a few up the next time you're at the grocery store.